Mobile development in Jordan

Mobile development in Jordan

Each sector in a country goes through stages of emergence, prosperity, and decline, so the country of Jordan was distinguished by its distinction in the mobile phone sector,This sector was distinguished by its gradual development ,The information and communications technology sector is a major pillar of the Jordanian economy It has been the focus of attention for many decades great efforts have been made to develop this field and benefit from it globally and locally,They believed that developing this field would solve many problems and be a reason for the prosperity of the economy.Indeed, Jordan has succeeded in having the best information technology companies for processing mobile development in Jordan for phones include  Android, iOS, iPad OS, etc.

Development of the communications sector in JordanPicture background

The development of the communications sector in Jordan during the period 1921-1971,The beginning was when the Telegraph and Postal Department was established, which provided telegraph and postal services to the Emirate of Trans-Jordan in 1930.

 Then the British company “Kappel and Wireless Communications” helped them in developing communication services and international links, Cooperation between them continued for four decades.

Then in 1961, A specialized Ministry of Transportation was established, which devoted its efforts to expanding and improving all means of telephone and telegraphic communication, and became directly responsible for all communications within the Kingdom.

 And finally In 1971, the government’s Telecommunications Corporation was established to secure and organize these communications, whether satellite or air.This approach has helped to succeed mobile development in jordan. 

History of mobile development in Jordan and Operators of this phonePicture background

The Jordan Telephone Services Company granted the first license to operate telephone services in 1994 ,The beginning of the emergence of the cell phone in Jordan was in the mid-nineties,The first operator of these phones was Fast Link Company At this time, both the price of the phone and the minutes used for calls were very high,The cost per minute was 36 piasters, and this company became the dominant company in the sector until the year 1998.

However, Mobilcom Company entered the competition line and carried out huge advertising campaigns, and its main goal was to break the monopoly of this company.The competition between them was fierce until 2003, when Express Company appeared, but its activity and management were limited, as it was limited to companies and institutions.

Then, after two years, the Umniah network came on line like a storm, sweeping the market, and there was a new competition to win new subscribers,We can say that the competition is very strong, as Umniah and Zain have begun to sweep the market with their competition,Many users today own the two lines.They carry the Amina line because it is cheaper, and they carry the Zain line because it has been digital for a long time and they trust it,So we have to watch and learn from a success of  MOBILE DEVELOPMENT IN JORDAN 

Network divisions to achieve mobile development  in JordanPicture background

  • In Jordan, Zain is known as the people's line because of the large number of subscribers who use it because of their trust in it.
  • Orange is known as the government line because it offers many great offers to government employees
  • Express Company is the line of companies, and this is because it provides its own wireless service to facilitate their work, and this is one of its most important features.
  • A Umniah company known as the line of the poor because it provides a second system as well due to the cheap prices of its minutes.

Increase in the number of cellular users

Due to the widespread spread of mobile phones in Jordan, it has affected fixed-line phones,No one uses the home phone much anymore, The fixed-line subscriber base has reached its lowest level since the beginning of the current decade, reaching 559,000 subscribers, compared to the number of subscribers in 2001, when they were 674,000 subscribers. However, Cell phone subscriptions reached 4.7 million subscribers last year, so fixed-line phone companies are offering many discounted offers with nominal prices just to restore the position of fixed-line companies again and attract customers as much as possible.

The success of Jordan's policy in developing the telephone

We cannot obtain a good Internet network if we do not have a good infrastructure for information communication companies, and this is what it did to achieve mobile development in Jordan ,It worked to improve and expand the communications network,It also worked to develop the infrastructure until the economy became fundamentally dependent on it, as it became the largest revenue stream at $2.3 billion. 

The number of mobile phone subscribers in the first quarter of this year reached 7,690,734 million subscribers, while in the first quarter of 2022 it reached 7,292,548 million subscribers, an increase of 398,186 thousand subscribersThis demonstrates the success of Jordan policy and the remarkable development of its mobile phones, Evidence of this is the significant increase in the number of mobile phone subscribers this show success in mobile development in jordan 

Fifth generation services available in Jordan to providePicture background

The country of Jordan is seeking fifth generation services because Only economically strong countries have fifth generation services; it provides higher download and upload speeds, more consistent connections, and improved high-quality capacity compared to previous network, It is characterized by being faster and more reliable and has the ability to change the way we use the Internet to access applications, social networks, and information.

Among the companies in Jordan that sought to introduce fifth generation services is Zain, which signed an agreement with the Jordanian Company for Mobile Telephone Services, Umniah and Orange also signed the same agreement to begin a new era of prosperity, with its distinctive features being speed and accuracy.

In the end, what helped to success mobile development in jordan is its distinguished location, as it can reach all of the internal region, as well as supervising the external regions, and this made it easy to spread whether lines or fourth and fifth generation services, so Jordan succeeded in reserving a place for it globally, To become one of the strongest countries in providing communications networks and cell phones.

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